Last Active: 9 months ago
A.BASIC PRICE (personal use, DM me for commercial rights)
Sketch initial price:
$50 basic character colored sketch
$35 for each additional character
$15 for simple background
1) all of the above are initial price, which humans/similar to humans(elf, dwarf, mi'qote, etc.) with minimal/no cloths
2) price may increase according to details and complexity(armors, weapons, limbs, body marks, etc.)
3) additional basic price +50% applied to these criterias:
-anthros(humanoid animal)
-monsters(hydra, dragons, etc)
-any creature that's more complex and/or larger than standard human
September 14 2021
Timely, high-quality artwork with the openness for edits.
The artist will most likely respond to a request within the same day. This commission slot was rated positively by 3 clients thus far.