Member Testimonials

This is what our members say about us

Artists&Clients is an amazing source of talented people ready to deliver a unique piece of art. Try it once and you will never look elsewhere.

Frederik J. Vos, Client

A&C has made a previously arduous task of finding artists open for commissions significantly more manageable and the ability to keep funding in escrow until the end of the project is a very welcome addition.

Tyler Earman, Client

A smooth process that I am genuinely pleased with and look forward to using again!

AQR11, Artist

Thanks so much for making this easy!

Michael Rowe, Client

It's easy, organized and I feel safer using it as a tool of exchange.

Sam, Artist

I enjoy A&C because the system is so simple and reliable.

Shari Bear, Artist

The simplicity and friendliness of A&C's interface makes it convenient to offer, find or buy a job. It also facilitates conversation between the artist and the client to help work out the finer details.

Anya Fennec, Client

The site is awesome. Makes things way easier in doing commissions.

Heather Tappen, Artist