Last Active: 1 month ago

Fantasy continent map (mid-range edition)
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Do you want at least one continent, instead of just a country? This is the option for you!

So, you're a writer and you've got a world going on in your head and now you really wish you had a visual for it... a reference you can print and use in your book, on your webpage, on your business card... a map of what you created.

Awesome! I understand, you wouldn't believe how many maps I have. Maps are awesome. Let's get started. First, here's what I need (besides your money).

1) Sketch your map. It can be rough. You can just draw symbols like 1, 2, 3 for where things need to go if you're not an artist, or you can make a super detailed sketch, it's all up to you. (Alternatively, you can just tell me what kind of features you like and let me wing it.)

2) Write down the names of all of the places. If you used numbers to indicate where they are on the map, your legend should tell me what goes where. If you don't have names for everything I can make up filler names for you that fit your world's theme.

3) Tell me a little bit about your setting.

This gig is for either a black or white / grayscale / ink or parchment textured style map if you need more than one large landmass (or you want a single country but you want it extra fast).

If you have a higher budget and want a more detailed, customized map with hand-drawn cities and one of a kind glyphs please see my other gigs!

client reviews


December 11 2024

It was great working with this artist. Very talented and responsive.


November 02 2022

Was a bit of a wait, but it was worth evwry second. Quality takes time, and they certainly deliver!

See More of Metruis

  • Tolkien style fantasy map (full color, custom glyphs/multi continent)
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  • Inked Tolkien style fantasy map (greyscale only)
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  • Parchment texture fantasy map (the budget brush stamped edition)
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  • Standard Fantasy Map

The artist will most likely respond to a request within 15.7 days. This commission slot was rated positively by 1 client thus far.

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