• I reserve the right to decline any commission that I feel is not within my capabilities or that I am uncomfortable drawing for any reason.
• Once the client has made the payment for a commissioned work, it will be deemed that they have thoroughly read and understood the Terms of Service and completely agree to them.
• Payment options: PayPal, in EUR, or equivalent conversion for other currencies.
• For payment, I prefer to receive it in advance before beginning the commission. However, I can also accept payment after showing a very early stage of the work, as long as it is prior to the final delivery.
• Don't send me any payment before I have agreed to give you a slot and requested you to send me the payment.
• I will inform you once I begin your commission, at which point you can cancel it before I complete the sketch. However, after the sketch is finished, you will lose the right to receive a refund.
• While I'm working on your commission I will make reviews with you to make sure I make it just right for you!
• Any changes that have to be made on the end product, or that I feel are past the stage of correction, will cost an extra fee of 5€
(The price may change depending on what you ask me to change.)
• The time it takes to finish your commission varies from 2 days/ 2 weeks depending on factors such as health, the complexity of the commissioned piece, other work and personal reasons. In these cases the work could be delayed more than expected.
• If anything comes up that will slow the progress of the initially estimated delivery time I will let you know asap.
• I will provide you with unlimited revision options to ensure the final result meets your liking, and I will update my progress regularly and keep you informed throughout the process.
• I, MeowchiPaws, claim the rights to the produced drawing, not the buyer. Therefore I am allowed to use the copyrighted artwork to:
- Display it everywhere to my liking (website, social media, etc.)
- Post it wherever I want
• The buyer is allowed to:
- Use the commissioned piece for personal use unless agreed otherwise (you can upload it on all your social media profiles, forums, etc.)
- Print the artwork and claim the character(s) as their own, but not the artwork itself.
- Use the artwork to promote themselves. You are not forced to give me credit when you post it but it is very appreciated.
- Use the artwork on their Youtube channel and in monetized videos as long as the artwork itself is not the main subject for the earnings, and credit is given to me (the artist).
• The following is considered copyright infringement:
- Reproducing/using the copyrighted artwork commercially - means making money off it in any way.
-Claiming the artwork as your own.
- Altering the artwork without my consent.
• I will do everything I can to make my customers happy!
• If you have a problem with anything in regards to the commissioned piece please tell me right away so we can find a solution together.
• I am willing to change some of my terms for you if you ask before I start on your commission. If you, e.g., do not want me to post your commission anywhere, we can discuss this.
• The buyer is not allowed a refund once I have started working on the commission and the sketch is already done.
• If for any reason I am unable to start your commission you will receive a full refund.
• If you cancel your order before I started it, you can get a full refund.
• If you are getting a refund, do not request a Paypal chargeback. I will transfer the money back to you myself.
If you have a problem with any of these statements, they may be changed if discussed with me prior to paying your commissioned piece.