• T1 - This artist has successfully completed over 10 commissions.
  • T2 - This artist has successfully completed over 20 commissions.
  • T3 - This artist has successfully completed over 50 commissions.
  • T4 - This artist has successfully completed over 100 commissions.
  • T5 - This artist has successfully completed over 500 commissions.
Verified Artist
Member Since August 2018
235 completed commissions

This is an Artists&Clients: Artist account.

Last Active: 20 hours ago


U can ask me something in whispers (0-2 days respond)

Hello, thank you for always being my patient client^^.

First, check my Terms & policy too -->

For now. Only for those who don't mind and need works for a long time without tight deadlines ^^. But u still can chat, whispers.

I hope u will be patienly for the updates because ill progress all queue in the same time, AND YOU CAN CHAT ME ON WHISPERS (30 hours will be reply) if I'm slow on the chat job, PLEASE DO NOT CANCEL.

I'm not officially closing the slots, if you want to keep booking slots that's fine.

And maybe next time I will provide other additional options such as bonuses, so just wait ( ꈍᴗꈍ).

Thank you for my patient clients.

  • In any condition, I will eliminate all bonus BUY 1 GET 1 slots, because there is a risk of time availability which makes the work more time-consuming than normal commissions (until an indefinite time), so I hope for the last time while I am still opening bonus slots, please forgive me if there are still some shortcomings such as slow progress, waiting a white or sometimes along time chat reply, or another mistake, if everything is in normal form, I will be more productive and quicker to work. But beside that i try with my heart to finish it as best as possible. So for now, I give priority to clients who don't have tight deadlines within 1-3 months until i have finish the clients that still on job progress. Thank u for your trust ^^
    Iam an digipaint illustator with the realistic specialist.

How to work with me?

I am Sasmi, I am a hard worker, friendly, flexible, patient, calm, accepting opinions, ideas, and ready to accept your requests.

For me, my client is my friend, so I am a your friend, I really like to talk, I will be very good if you are good to me, I am an easy going person.

Do you want a realistict detail art with no expensive price, free extra revision. Messege and commiss me. Get the bonus for the lucky one :D.

  • Work estiminate deppend on the number of queue, if i don't have many of commission queue, usually i can finish it beetween 3-10 days (normal).

  • Bonus is not permanent slot, it Will dissapear for the limit slot, and bonus Will be progress each after 3/5 commissions done.

New Rules:

Hello. Thank u for coming here and commiss me, ill try my best to give u the best result and make u happy ^^. Before that i have my own service and rules too for my lovely client <3.

  • I have realistic/ semi realism style, but i'll always fit with your request as you want, of u want asking about any different type request to me, please message me first :).

  • Because the realistic artwork have more long estiminate time and more complicated for detail, so please be patient.

  • Normally i can finish 1 commission each 3-5 days for simple (example buat) realistic illustration, but sometimes i have any/ many queue commissions request that enter, so please be patient, if this in long queue, usually ill give u sketch concept first max: 1 week before u paid, and after paid progress ill start to continue in painting progress in 5 days after that, but once again because i must doing double commissions each working, so please monitoring or active your commissions request each 5 days in month. I will count the enter commissions request in month, so all Will be finish max: for month, min: 3 days for commissions result.

*Bonus will be progress after commission done and in "complete paid status". And it Will be progress start 1 week after commission done. Please be patient because i work for another bonus too.

  • Bonus is not permanent, it will be dissapear in time that i give, so happy shopping while its still any slots :).

  • All price will be raise in time. Time by time.

I will dedicate my ability to the best result and achievement for the final result. I hope you will be patient and not cancel one side before I finish it or even still have to complete the commission bonus. I know that I have no power to stop you if you back down halfway. Therefore I hope you can be patient and we can work well together until it is finished. Thank you.

Thanks for read my rule, i hope u understand and please if u have any short deadline, tell me first and please book it for before. Love u all!




Whispres will be replied at the longest in 2 days

No AI, you can see my works on my deviantart website since 2011 ^^


  • Realistic Chara Waist-groin
  • Colored Full Body
  • Color Bust Realistic Detail
  • Black&white Comic Full Tone
  • Realistic Bust-Waist FREE BG
  • Greyscale-Monocrhrom sketch Detail Bust

This artist is currently working on 3 jobs.

S no Initiated date
1 Sep-24-2024
2 Nov-07-2024
3 Mar-15-2025