Last Active: 1 year ago
Order your artwork now.
Digital Realistic Painting,of your photo,pet,Girlfriend,Grandparents,Landscapes,Anime,Game Characters,your Cosplay photo of
your favorite character,or whatever you want to be drawn.
This $25 price fits the following artwork parameters below.
High resolution image 3500x3500 pxl,i.e. high conversion at 300 DPI format PNG or JPGE in RGB color.
I will create a sketch of what you want to be drawn, then I will scan it into Photoshop, and progressively do the digital
Deadline for artwork
It depends a lot on what the client wants, the difficulty of the work, the details, among other things.
After evaluating the project, I give the client the time and deadline for delivery.
All the work will be digital art, therefore, to send the artwork it
The artist will most likely respond to a request within the same day. This commission slot was rated positively by 0 clients thus far.