Last Active: 1 year ago

Full/Extreme Detail Illustration
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This is for a high/extreme detail illustration/painting.These illustrations/paintings take at minimum eight hours for simple designs/colors and go up from there.The amount of work, time and detail is reflected upon by the price. These illustrations are only a headshot but include some sort of background. Best characters for this would be primarily scaled or combo of scaled/fur. Only taking one of these commissions at a time due to the amount of time it takes. As for turn around time - 1-2 weeks. While it takes several hours, I have to take breaks in between.I am a mom and have another job so it is hard to just sit down for a straight eight hours and work on these. I have to give my eyes and my wrists a break and also take care of my son and other responsibilities.

See More of RamiChan

  • Eye-Com

The artist will most likely respond to a request within the same day. This commission slot was rated positively by 0 clients thus far.

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