Last Active: 10 months ago
Half : $40USD
Full : $60USD
+Detail : $5/1point
Size : ~2,000pixel 72dpi
Detail : Detail color and transparent(or Simple back ground).
Will not do : NSFW/Mecha/Grotesque/Furry
Copyrighted characters are only accepted for personal use.
Please clarify outfit instructions. It is desirable to explain in both text and images.
Correction is limited to one time in the sketch stage.
If you want to order again, please wait 7 days after the job is complete.
It makes it easier for other clients to request.
June 19 2020
l o v e
June 18 2020
Always leaves me wanting to get more commissioned. Absolutely amazing!
June 15 2020
Amazing artist. Quick and professional!
June 11 2020
Absolutely fantastic artist! I would look forward to working with them again.
The artist will most likely respond to a request within the same day. This commission slot was rated positively by 4 clients thus far.