Last Active: 1 year ago
This is for D&D character portraits or full pieces. $5.00 is the lowest accepting price (Bust sketch) but you can choose better options for a higher price. On average, pieces take about a week to complete but may take longer or not as long depending on the request. I will not do any characters that aren't humanoid (ex: dragonborn, tabaxi, aarakocra, etc.). Additional backgrounds include such: Simple designs, small environment (trees), interior environment, etc. Complicated backgrounds include: Landscape, buildings, intricate designs, etc. All pieces will have a plain colour background for no additional cost (unless specified). Every additional character is equal to the singular price. Ex: One character half-torso full render = $20 | Two character half-torso full render =$40.
The artist will most likely respond to a request within the same day. This commission slot was rated positively by 0 clients thus far.