Last Active: 1 year ago
-Please read all!
Please if you are interested, send any information I should know about your character, as references (written or images), personality, design details I may don't see on images, etc ????
-Send the information above filling Commission Application ????
-If the character design is elaborated the price may increase
-Extra Character $6
-They are personal, not for commercial use
Changes because of vague references or just because are 20% extra of the price
-Can Draw
-Anime Characters
-NSFW(Not very complicated)
-Can't Draw?
References: (link/s or add image)
Extra information/specifications: (everything I should know)
?*Fill this just in case you want something specific, otherwise I choose a pose appropriate to the design and personality of the character?
feel free to send a pm for any questions!
thank you!
The artist will most likely respond to a request within the same day. This commission slot was rated positively by 0 clients thus far.