This is a transaction for a piece of watermark-free digital art; there is no hard copy.
Commissioners may use this for commercial use but may not sell the image on his/her own.
Commissioners may not claim to be the artist of the image.
I retain the right to post images on any of my social media sites as well as my portfolio/gallery.
Commissioner will NOT be refunded after the image is completed.
After I have started the line art on any piece there may be no major changes. (Moving a whole arm or leg, major change in hair style, major change in clothing, etc.)
Once I have begun the coloring process there can be no changes what so ever in posing, clothing, or hair.
Once I am half way through the shading process no major color changes can occur.
Some mature subject matter is acceptable, but I will not draw excessive gore, minors, or full porn/penetration. I will not draw mecha.