Last Active: 8 months ago
A set of 1($15) to 8 sketches on an A4 sized sheet with simple values added. (price adaptable dependant on detail, additional characters, backgrounds and design)
Can do subtle nsfw, I can do fantasy creatures, people, animals, robots, etc.
See my tumblr for more examples of skill range!
March 04 2022
Even though it took a while the final result was more than worth the wait for me.
January 21 2022
Amazing experience and artwork once more! Can't recommend more!
October 10 2021
The time they take is *very much* worth the depth they go to representing a character properly; this artist deserves a LOT more work.
September 10 2021
The amount of times I have commissioned art from Encune should speak for itself. I am always highly satisfied with her services and cannot recommend her more. :)
The artist will most likely respond to a request within 7.4 days. This commission slot was rated positively by 14 clients thus far.