Last Active: 7 months ago
Accepts creation of chibi-style character drawings, otherwise it is rejected.
Chibi is drawn in full body (this is an option).
Providing a variety of reference images will be very helpful.
The price listed is the price for one chibi character. This does not include prices for commercial users. For commercial users there will be an additional fee.
For orders of more than 2 chibi in 1 slot, there will be a price adjustment. However, if you order 2 chibi in 1 slot, the price will be calculated the same as buying 2 different chibi.
No background/flat background color.
Non-commercial users: Get results in JPG format.
Commercial users: Get results in JPG format and native PSD files.
*Does not accept gore and furry types (animal ears and tails are allowed).
The artist will most likely respond to a request within the same day. This commission slot was rated positively by 6 clients thus far.