Last Active: 1 year ago

Children's Book Style Illustration
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Commissioner will approve at the sketch, lineart, and final color phases. Project will not be moved forward with unless commissioner has approved previous level.

Estimated timeline of completion:

Day 1: Artist & Commissioner discuss what commissioner wants. Commissioner provides any references. A text plan is drawn up and a contract is signed.

Day 2: Artist completes sketch. This will show the vague layout of the scene, and placement of items and characters within it. Sketch sent to Commissioner via Email for approval.

Day 3: Commissioner approves sketch. Artist will then draw the line-art of the scene and send that to the Commissioner for approval. Line art will add detail, depth, and life to the original sketch.

WARNING: This is the last chance for the Commissioner to request a change in the basic layout, angles, or locations of things in the scene. Once Lineart is approved, final color will commence.

Day 4 V1: Commissioner does not approve lineart, requests changes. Artist makes changes, sends new Lineart to Commissioner for approval.

Day 4 V2/Day 5: Commissioner approves lineart. Artist moves on to full coloration to the level the Commissioner specifies. Example is "shaded" level. Flat color is also available. Artist sends final colorized image to Commissioner for approval.

WARNING: The only changes that can be made at this stage are to the base coloration of the image. No lineart changes will be accepted at this time.

Once Commissioner approves the Final Color, the contract is considered complete and the project is finished. In the event of multiple spreads being purchased, payment will now be expected for the next image in the contract and the process will begin again the following day. It should ideally never take more than a week to complete.

NOTE: Unless Commissioner specifies otherwise, Artist will not receive back-end commissions on resales of this work, but does reserve the right to use a watermarked version of the final image in Artist's portfolio.

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The artist will most likely respond to a request within the same day. This commission slot was rated positively by 0 clients thus far.

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