When commissioning me, i'll work with you to establish the general direction and concept of the commission as well as designs for what i'll be drawing, all before establishing the price and accepting the commission. This is done for a variety of reasons that i want to list, so you know!
- It helps establish a measure of trust between the client and i. I trust you, the client, with your end of the bargain, in return i offer a certain amount of risk on my end to help earn your trust that i'll deliver on my end as well.
- It gives a window of opportunity for either one of us to decide whether or not the commission requested is going to be appropriate for me and my methedology before getting to the most time consuming aspect
- It speeds up the process of the commission so that there wont be any extensive post-revisions. We quickly establish what you want, you approve, and then i whip it up!
In general, i'd like you to:
*- Give exact detail in regards to the drawing you want.
*- You can do whatever you wish with the drawing so long as you give me credit and refer back to where you obtained the commission (i cant really make you but it'd help me out if you did).
*- Be respectful and courteous in regards to changes or suggestions in the midst of the process, ie: Respect my time. The less i gotta change in the middle of the process, the smoother it is for both of us!
- Order would be delivered in a web friendly sized format and the original drawing size format the day of or day following completion. Inquire for additional formats.
Estimated Turnaround is between 3 to 14 days depending on complexity of order and/or concurrently running orders. May extend longer under specific circumstances.
I'll keep you updated with the process of the drawing at your request, be as quick and professional as i'm physically capable, and i look forward to working with you!