Last Active: 1 year ago
What i do draw:
- Trasformers prime
- TMNT 2003 (I don't draw 2012 and other series)
- humans, elves etc
- Animals (there are some who i can't draw)
- Original characters
- Dragons
- Thundercats 2011
- Medabots
and other stuff just ask if i can draw it :)
What i don't draw:
-18+ stuff
-Characters without reference
-design characters
-You pay first before is start drawing.
-Reference for the character.
-A description of what you'd like if you have something specific in mind.
-I'm not well in background so i will never ask much for that
-You get the drawing with out watermark from me.
- You can now also email me,
- Cames with simple background and name.
- One character per drawing
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