Last Active: 1 year ago

Your art on a stamp!
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When I receive the order in hand from the Dutch Post, I'll send you a photo to the e-mailaddress you communicated to me if and when you want a sheet.

Ofcourse there are some rules, what CANNOT be on the stamp are the following things/subjects:

  • Images that are illegal, immoral, sexual, hurtful, insulting, insinuating, or impairing for people including yourself;
  • Images that are mendacious, deceitful or false;
  • Images that have a political or religious message/content;
  • Images that are not meant to be on a stamp (The Dutch Post decides on this one).

The images you want on the stamps have to be your own, or you have proof that you are permitted to use them!

Also, I hereby promise that all personal information is treated with care according to both Dutch law and the law according to your country (TL;DR private data will remain private!)

The Dutch Postal company is the third party I'm leaning on and after asking them if I could do this, because most people who are interested live abroad, they stated it's not against their terms and conditions.

Should you have any questions, do send me a note, and I\'ll answer them the best I can!

Thanks for reading, and we'll see where this goes!

The artist will most likely respond to a request within the same day. This commission slot was rated positively by 0 clients thus far.

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