Last Active: 1 year ago
Need a portrait of your oc or fanart or game character or some one you know in real life ? I can help you with that !
Ill do portrait where its around chest up or a lil more its ok as the head will be the focus.
if this is for commercial use please do let me know the starting price for commercial portrait will be at 150USD
please do message me what you would like commission first and discuss the details like :
- Gender
- Clothing/ Armor
- Pose
- Hair color
- etc...
Depending on how hard and how complex the art work will be there could be additional charges, if you have reference pictures that would help greatly.
Ill do a few sketches in the beginning and proceed to fill the detail when sketch is approved.
May 18 2021
Quick and an absolute delight to work with.
The artist will most likely respond to a request within the same day. This commission slot was rated positively by 0 clients thus far.