What I Can Do
* Original Character - If you can give me as many references and details as possible, I can more accurately draw your character! Whether that means other drawn references or references to pictures - just send me all you can!
* Fan Characters - I'll give pretty much anyone a shot, unless I think I can't draw them.
What I Can't Do
* NSFW - This includes fetishes, porn, gore, ect...
* Muscular/Elderly Characters - I'm just not very good at drawing them.
* Detailed Characters, Armor, Mechas/Robots - I'm willing to give them a go, as long as they're not too incredibly difficult.
Important Information
* I have the right to distribute the artwork (in portfolios and across my galleries).
* You may not make money off of my artwork.
* I also have the right to refuse a job.
* If something gets in the way and causes delays, I will let you know.