Last Active: 1 year ago
DIN A4 297 mm x 210 mm Sketch initial price:
$40 basic waist up character pencil sketch
$60 3/4 to full body sketch
$30 for each additional character
$10 for simple background
DIN A4 297 mm x 210 mm Detailed initial price for Colored Drawing:
$90 for waist up character
$120 for 3/4 to full body
$30 for detailed background
$80 for each additional character
1) all of the above are initial price, which humans or similar to humans(elf, dwarf, etc.) with simple clothes.
2) price increases according to details and complexity(added armors, weapons, limbs, etc.)
3) additional basic price +50% applied to these criterias:
-anthros(humanoid animals) -cyborgs/robots -monsters(hydra, dragons, etc) -any other creatures that's more complex than standard humans
The artist will most likely respond to a request within the same day. This commission slot was rated positively by 0 clients thus far.