Last Active: 1 year ago
F. = Fullbody = $15
H. = Halfbody = $13
B. = Bust = $10
Even though many examples are female, any pose can be male/female/other. (Yes, I do other :D.)
Person / Furry / Other
Fullbody = $20 (+1 character = +$5)
Half-Body = $15 (+1 character = +$3)
Bust = $13 (+1 character = +$2)
Head/Icon = $10 (+1 character = +$2)
Please allow a few days per drawing. I'll let you know how many people are ahead of you and the estimated wait. :D
For more information feel free to ask!
February 05 2021
Hood work though may take a while
The artist will most likely respond to a request within the same day. This commission slot was rated positively by 1 client thus far.