Last Active: 1 year ago
I have the copyright to all works.
When you apply for commission, please tell me if you upload it on the internet and what it is for!
*Do not use my art commercial/tracing/stealing. + i don't accept individual goods. (if you want use art commercial, let me know what do you use it for, and it will have extra fee.)
I draw simple monochrome/patterned backgrounds.
*The completed art contains a Instagram ID and can be uploaded to my personal SNS. If you don't want to, please let me in advance!
*Operation order Application confirmation> Price notice> Deposit check> confirm rough > Line/base color> secondary check [Secondary check is only available for full color application]>Complete
October 11 2020
Fantastic to work with! Communication was extremely consistent and the work done as expected. Highly recommended.
The artist will most likely respond to a request within the same day. This commission slot was rated positively by 0 clients thus far.