Last Active: 6 months ago
Digital portrait, with a simple background in two colors.
The price and time increase with any additional:
additional character +$8
additional for NSFW +$5
I "turn your ideas into reality"
i will draw anything do you want, just send me the description and references.
- You will receive a .jpg file in high resolution of 300 dpi
- The estimated time depends on the artwork details.
- Message me for more info or custom request, just tell me what you want
- feel free to contact me if you interest, I am happy can help you
- I will have the right to use the artwork as my portfolio (upload on my social media), except the client ask me to not.
Another samples on
The artist will most likely respond to a request within 31.1 days. This commission slot was rated positively by 0 clients thus far.