I appreciate your interest in commissioning me and help bring your idea to fruition! The slots I'm presenting here on Artists&Clients are Artists&Clients exclusive offers and services. For more options, such as more extensive and detailed illustrations or comic book projects, please visit my commissions and freelance service section of my website: http://www.janapple513.com/store/art-commission/
By commissioning creative services from Jan Apple, you agree to the following terms and conditions. The individual producing the commissioned freelance service shall henceforth be referred to as “the artist,” and the individual purchasing the service shall henceforth be referred to as “the client.”
The following serve as base standards for client and artist expectations, as outlined by the artist:
In regards to the finished commissioned work, the artist must:
⯀ attribute credit to the client if the commissioned work is the client’s original intellectual property.
In regards to the finished commissioned work, the artist retains rights to:
⯀ publish for public use.
⯀ publish to the web for advertising purposes.
⯀ publish as part of a collective artbook.
⯀ submit for portfolio purposes.
⯀ print for promotional purposes on physical media.
In regards to the finished commissioned work, the artist does not retain the rights to:
⯀ sell individual pieces not related to the aforementioned uses.
⯀ use the commissioned work if related to the client’s original intellectual property.
In regards to the finished commissioned work, the client acknowledges:
⯀ that the artist may use short excerpts of comic commissions for promotional purposes under Fair Use.
In regards to the finished commissioned work, the client retains the rights to:
⯀ distribute the commissioned work where they see fit.
⯀ edit the commissioned work as they see fit (cropping, color adjustment, the addition of text, etc.).
⯀ credit the artist as they see fit.
In regards to the finished commissioned work, the client does not retain the rights to:
⯀ miscredit the artist.
⯀ submit commissioned work to a publication or contest.
⯀ distribute the work for commercial purposes.
・These terms are subject to change dependent upon a work’s commission discussion.
⯀ The artist reserves the right to refuse a commission for any reason with no explanation.
⯀ The rights to the characters, caricatures, and settings for fan art commissions belong to the original rights holder. The artist claims no ownership and creates under Fair Use.
⯀ Notification to the artist upon the client’s sharing of the commissioned work is not required, though appreciated. The artist will attempt to share the client’s publication of the commissioned work through social media and websites upon notification.
All determinations regarding the above terms and conditions are solely those of JanApple513 and Jan Apple. All decisions of the artists are final.