Last Active: 1 year ago
Will draw:
-your character (or character from TV/movie)
-speech bubbles, please include what you want said (cursing is alright, hate toward any specific person or group is not)
-mild gore (bloody noses/lips, bruises)
-simple backgrounds
-minimal color (mostly black and white)
-very detailed characters (for a few dollars extra)
Won't draw:
-NSFW (i.e. anything remotely sexual)
-these are just headshots, so anything below the shoulders
-complex backgrounds/characters (due to the program I'm currently using)
-due to personal limitations: furries, partial animal characters (no animal ears), mechas
You can e-mail me at if you have any questions
The artist will most likely respond to a request within the same day. This commission slot was rated positively by 0 clients thus far.