-I would appreciate a initial message with information about the commission nature, specially for new clients.
-Prices shown are starting points than can change after further delving into details of the commission.
-I will discuss the art with the commissioner and
post updates when needed for feedback.
-The drawing process will be started once the payment is done.
-The artist is always owner of their work and will be able to publish any of the pieces if needed, for promoting the work, displaying, print etc.
-The commissioners can however expressly request it not to be public.
The commissioners are allowed to:
Use the copyrighted artwork for personal use, only unless agreed otherwise.
Print the art, and claim the right of their character(s) but not the drawing itself.
Use the art to promote themselves with proper credit given to the artist.
-Work in progress can be requested by the commissioner personally, but please use your discretion.
-Any big changes after the sketch is approved will come with an extra charge. Such as an outfit change, outfit addition or subtraction, background change or anything that makes me have to redraw a big part of it.
The following is considered Copyright infringement:
Reproducing/using the copyrighted artwork commercially. (Meaning making money of it in any way)
Taking Credit for the creation of the artwork.
Removing any watermarks/signatures.
altering the artwork without my, the artist's, consent.
Thanks for reading!