I'm always working on several projects at the time. Please keep in mind that working on a
piece take time, if a rush job is needed, I will have to charge you more.
I really appreciate having all the infos I need to ensure a good workflow (ideas, lyrics, texts, logo etc...)
If you come to me, I assume it's because you enjoy my style and previous work.
You must give me directions, ideas, concepts etc... I find that being given total "carte blanche" usually isn't working.
I don't work on weekends or non-working days. One these days, you can still reach my by email or facebook though.
The most complex and time consuming a job is, the more I will have to charge.
Price can of course be discussed, but please don't bargain,
I find it quite insulting and I won't even reply. I think I'm quite affordable.
I don't work for free or because "it's gonna give me great exposure".
50% of the full amount we agreed with should be paid before i start working on the project.There will be no refund of any kind once an agreement is made.
The final payment will be made upon completion and must be paid right after the work is done. If the remaining 50% for the finished artwork isn't paid within two weeks, I reserve
the right to sale the artwork to another client.
Preferred form of payment is Paypal.
Once the final payment is made, I will then send you the high resolution files.
Not before, no exceptions.
I mostly use Mediafire to send files over.
Please save those files somewhere safe, I can't leave them undefinitely on my Mediafire server,
or spend my time re-uploading them.
It's absolutely OK to get in touch asking how the work is going on, but please don't send
me 10 emails a day. The time I take to answer to a email/message, is time not spent on the job.
Please be patient. I get a lot of emails and messages everyday, I can't go through them at one time.
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