Last Active: 1 year ago
send me a whisper first!
or reach out to me FASTER in:
twitter: xLunaire_
discord: Lunaire#7924
I issue invoices to protect both me and my client.
September 04 2020
I came to the artist with a lot of basis information and plenty of references of my character. I explained a bit about their personality and backstory so they could get an idea of who she is and what she's about and go from there. With a bit of patience, I ended up with a gorgeous art piece I couldn't be happier with! The artist responded well to minor changes and edits and was very good at keeping me updated with progress along the way. :3
May 27 2020
Excellent art, more than satisfied with the finished product
May 17 2020
Such a friendly artist, and the art is really really unique in style. I love the coloring and the finished piece. I'll definitely be back, thank you~
The artist will most likely respond to a request within the same day. This commission slot was rated positively by 1 client thus far.