Last Active: 2 months ago
Hi! hope you like my art~this is just an example of what I can do
-Price list
Headshot $14
Half body $23
Full body $35
+30% for render
+35% for background (base price may increase)
+70% per extra character
-Clothes accesories and objects = $5 may increase depending on quantity, size and details.
-Wings +$8 (may increase depending on the size)
-Multiple tails/Extra limbs +$5 (may increase depending on quantity and size)
I'll give an approximate date of when I'll start the commission and let you know when I start with the sketch
-I can take 1 week or 1 month to finish a commission
January 22 2023
Excellent work from an excellent artist. Definitely recommend.
October 13 2022
Another great experience from a great artist who always os my characters justice!
April 13 2022
Fantastic artwork by a fantastic artist. Highly recommend.
February 07 2022
Just as before, Malhugettis is a fantastic artist who did a great commission for me and I'll definitely be coming back for more.
The artist will most likely respond to a request within the same day. This commission slot was rated positively by 3 clients thus far.