terms of service:
-I the artist have the right to accept and not accept proposals as I see fit at the given time.
-Payment will be though pay-pal with either USD or CAD though invoice
- I will keep the progress of each commission on my deviant art page.
-Half the payment is to be made at first then the rest upon completion.
- upon accepting your commission please give me your email so i can invoice you.
-I will send you progress pictures of the artwork as i go, I will okay the sketch with you before moving on to line art and coloring if that is what you paid for.
-i can do minor revisions of the artwork but anything more will cost extra to do.
-you can share the artwork but please keep my signature on the drawing, and credit me please. Commissioner can re-upload the image with credits given to myself in the form of a link to my DeviantArt (MUST be a link)
-Please have pictures for reference, even if its made though a doll maker, it just makes it easier for me honestly, then trying to design someone from text alone.
-if you have a set deadline for said piece please PLEASE let me know ahead of time and when it has to be done by.
-Refunds given based on how much work is done.
-rude / disrespectful / abusive commissioners will end up getting their commissions refunded minus the pay for any work done before hand on their piece, if already started.
- I have the rights to any piece of artwork i make, which means I can use them for future commission examples, and examples in my portfolio.
said prices are subject to change depending on complexity of said piece. Though they will genuinely fall in the shown price ranges.
- If there are any delays in completion of a commission, I will personally notify the customer.
art pieces usually take somewhere from one week to three weeks to complete depending on real life issues, and how complicated said piece is.
- If you do not want me to post your commission online, you must tell me when you order.