Last Active: 3 months ago
Name : Estherlita
Type of art : Digital art/semi realism/anime/cartoon/
Hello there !! my hobbies just like to draw such like anime and others but mostly like anime or manga.. Im sure i can give it to you.I will draw character from anime,dc,marvel and many other popular movies and cartoon or other character you want.
You need to describe in detail about the character for me
hair style, hair color, clothes style,...
character's emotion, character action,...
Please contact me if you want a commission, feel free to talk with me about your character
And have an enjoy experience
Thank you!
August 29 2020
Artist is fast with completing work and is cooperative on any changes wanted. Recommended!
The artist will most likely respond to a request within the same day. This commission slot was rated positively by 1 client thus far.