Last Active: 1 year ago
☆ Please send on messages any information I should know about your character to depict them properly, as references (written or images), short decription of their personality, design details I may don't see on other drawings, extra references to keep in mind (as pinterest boards, photos,etc).
☆ I will send shots of the process in every step of it, and you can ask any amount of changes needed on the work in progress in order to suit the drawing to what you want, but only on the sketch phase, please make sure to check everything then. I will only add/change minimum details once I start the coloring and rendering of the piece.
Portrait X| Fanart ✓| Original characters ✓
avatar characters ✓|humans ✓| antrho ✓
furry ✓| robots X| Couples ✓
Romantic ✓|
Monsters ✓| NSFW X| Gore ✓
Base price can be modified if you want any of this things:
+80% of the price for each extra character on the same canvas
+10usd for full body instead of a bust
+5usd for each alternative facial expression (you'll receive the original version and one extra version of each different facial expression you want)
from +5usd for any transformation alternative version (example: your character glows in the dark, then you'll receive the original version and the dark glow version.)
from +5usd for add an alternative clothing version (you'll receive the original version, and the alternative clothing version)
from +50usd for full character design (it means you want me to invent your character from 0, it will include a sketch character design chart and the portrait)
▸Other extras you can ask for:
May 10 2019
Despite me trying to get in the way of myself, the artist was very understanding and worked hard to get me a commission I am very happy with, would recommend whole heatedly!
March 08 2019
Amazing artists! worked super fast, and we extremely kind! Will kind you updates whenever you ask.
The artist will most likely respond to a request within the same day. This commission slot was rated positively by 1 client thus far.