Last Active: 1 year ago
☆ Please send on messages any information I should know about your character to depict them properly, as references (written or images), short decription of their personality, design details I may don't see on other drawings, extra references to keep in mind (as pinterest boards, photos,etc).
☆ You can ask for a speedpaint video (free)
☆ I will send shots of the process in every step of it, and you can ask any amount of changes needed on the work in progress in order to suit the drawing to what you want, but only on the sketch phase, please make sure to check everything then. I will only add/change minimum details once I start the coloring and rendering of the piece.
Portrait ✓| Fanart ✓| Original characters ✓
avatar characters ✓|humans ✓| antrho ✓
furry ✓| robots ✓| Couples ✓
Romantic ✓|Sensual/Nude ✓
Monsters ✓| NSFW ✓| Gore ✓
Base price can be modified if you want any of this things:
+50% of the price for each extra character on the same canvas
+ 5usd for each alternative facial expression (you'll receive the original version and one extra version of each different facial expression you want)
from +15usd for any transformation alternative version (example: your character glows in the dark, then you'll receive the original version and the dark glow version.)
from +15usd for redesign your character (it means you want me to change the current clothing/hairstyle/colors/etc of an existing character of yours. You don't want an alternative version, just one only drawing but redesigned)
from +15usd for add an alternative clothing version (you'll receive the original version, and the alternative clothing version)
from +10usd for background (depends on the detail of the bg you want)
April 16 2019
It was a pleasure to work with and to see what ItaSlipy could do with my OC. Very polite and easy to communicate wishes and ideas with. I loved every bit of the proof and process that went into my piece. Whole heartedly recommend if you're looking for high quality art with someone who will take time and effort and then mend them to their craft at will then search no more.
April 16 2019
Delivered high quality art work for a very good price!
April 16 2019
Very awesome job! Totally worth the wait!
April 05 2019
very good
The artist will most likely respond to a request within 3.7 days. This commission slot was rated positively by 2 clients thus far.