Last Active: 4 weeks ago
One character (Half Body) with simple background
Don't be shy!, you can ask me anything you want!
July 09 2019
Though they may have been gone, they were still able to knock the commission out. It goes to show that the artist is still able to get the work done, even if they're not present to be able to do so in time. Good job to the arist :)
February 05 2019
Great work.
January 09 2019
The artist was a sheer delight to work with was very clear with their progress and worked hard to make sure the art was as accurate to my vision as possible. 10/10 service I plan on giving the more work soon!
December 25 2018
Excellent and cute artwork, and pretty quick too. 10/10, would recommend.
The artist will most likely respond to a request within 1.6 days. This commission slot was rated positively by 3 clients thus far.