Last Active: 1 year ago
Hello! Im a new artist, Ive only been drawing for 2 months and just starting out cheap commissions. I would have set the price lower to $3 but the minimum I can set it to is $5 sorry. I'm doing this to fund my daily coffee addiction, here I offer a special cheap headshot (please see sample for details) +BONUS - will throw in full colour as shown in the sample image. By commisioning me you are shouting me a coffee to get me thru the day and will be rewarded likewise. I'm not really subject to lots of edits/changes seeing how cheap this commission is but hey ill try my best to make it similar to the OC refs given. I always deliver to the best of my ability ;) - though im still so new
All Clients/Commissionees will receive the following:
-Minimum of a 3000x4000px Complete headshot up to neckline
To celebrate my first commissions im also throwing
+ BONUS: Full colour and shadows
Limited to 2 slots :)
*Only available from 18th June - 1st July as I have an exam after this period, so this commission list will be temporarily closed by then
The artist will most likely respond to a request within the same day. This commission slot was rated positively by 0 clients thus far.