Please be noted that Gentlepyro has a Manager (Cinderboi) and any commission interest or requests should be directed to him VIA email and not her. Tumblr, FA or any other program messages will be directed to email or plainly not responded to.
Warcraft Commission Screenshot Guide
Adult Artwork Guide
All individuals involved in a commission must send written consent from their FA/Email/Tumblr pages to be in a commission. If you are getting a gift for someone, we still need consent from that party that you have permission to use their character and that they are fully aware of HOW you plan to use their character. We're sorry, but this has become an increasingly disturbing issue as of late as people have made us take down, remove or even hide commission work that has been done because of communication errors and consent errors between both parties. In the future, we will need solid confirmation before we begin a commission.
Any and All commissions are going to be semi-public unless an extra charge is agreed upon in order to keep the commission private.
Any commissions I (pyro) do are hours of my time that I’d like to be able to use to promote my art. Birthday gifts will be posted after birthdays have past if you tell us in the email, but plainly private commissions will constitute an additional fee.
Commissions can take between 2 weeks to 2 months!
Is the ONLY email that either of us will respond from.
Pyro works 2-6PM Eastern Standard time Monday-Friday.
Cinderboi answers commission questions and requests Monday-Friday.
Updates on pieces are given within two day of completion of the following stages.
Updates are given automatically at the Sketch, Lineart, and Final Colour stages.
(occasionally the lineart stage might be skipped, depending on the complexity or if Pyro feels you don’t need to see it for any changes(...She forgets.), this does not mean that we aren’t happy to change the lineart as you see fit.)
Please don’t contact us more than twice a week for updates unless you’ve received another stage of your commission!
Please be noted, commissions that have NOT received a decline means your commission has been accepted
I accept payment through PAYPAL.
•The invoice I send is payment for the artist's time spent on production of your request.
•You are NOT paying for digital art goods.
•You are agreeing to pay the invoiced price for the artist to perform a service to produce your request.
To reserve a commission slot, payment must be made first. For higher priced commissions, a payment plan may be arranged upon request. If payment cannot be made in full, the commission will be cut off based on the payment amount received and the price equivalent of work done.
If purchasing a slot on a YCH (pre-made your character here auction), all payment must be made upfront. I do not accept payment plans for this type of commission work. Payment must be made within 48 hours after I have sent the invoice through paypal. If payment can not be made, the slot will go to the previous bidder or the auction will be reset for that specific slot.
Failure to make payment will result in a blacklist.
A FULL refund will only be given to commissions which have not been started, regardless of reasoning.
Partial refunds will be given on request based on the stage at which the commission is at, and the amount to be refunded will be based on the minimum of work done.
I will only refund the base amount that was paid, I will not return payment for the paypal fees.
Once a commission is completed, there is absolutely NO REFUNDS.
In the event of a special circumstance, personal crisis, or an exceptionally prolonged delay (1 year or more), a commission can be cancelled at any given moment at my discretion, and a FULL refund will be issued; or the commission may be cancelled upon request and a FULL refund issued as long as is stated above is taken into account. DO NOT ISSUE A CHARGEBACK FOR A REFUND WITHOUT MY KNOWLEDGE. Please inform me if you would like a refund and I will give you one if it fits the refund parameters.
I do not and will not ship things unless otherwise specified or discussed. This includes badges and traditional artwork.
If it is agreed that your item will be shipped, you, the buyer, are required to pay for shipping and handling.
A visual reference MUST be present for a commission. I do not work off of large walls of text for free.
I can work off of text only under circumstances of general designs, anything specific will cause a 30% upcharge.
If the character possesses a tattoo there must be a clear image/template of said tattoo.
The ONLY EXCEPTION for this rule is if you are commissioning a reference sheet.
By commissioning me you understand that you are giving me permission as well, to slightly change any colors for your characters. Examples: I will slightly desaturate a neon colored character, and slightly lighten a pitch-black character.
I typically will not accept requests, but in the event I make an exception, requests can never be considered guaranteed artwork. If a request is made, I cannot be held to a deadline for completion. This applies to all free works offered as well. Requests/and free art can be cancelled for any and all (or no) reason at any time with no warning.
Deadlines/Time frame
I prefer not to work on a set deadline. I like to take my time and calmly finish artwork and not have it be rushed. I feel that by taking my time, you will be getting the most out of your money. I try to spend no more than a month working on a reasonably laborious piece, if it is the ONLY thing on my To-Do list. A commission's completion should not extend beyond a six month period. If a certain piece is desired by a specific date, please make note of it when initially contacting me, and prior to the start of commission. Please try to contact me at least one month in advance to the date you require it to be due by. Do not excessively note me for commission/owed art completion.
What needs to be understood after the commission is complete
I will allow up to 3 changes to a commission post-completion at no additional cost. These changes MUST be relatively small and easy fixes. Any more than 3 changes, and an extra fee must be paid for my time. This does not include any major changes, like a character redesign, or reposing. This is not included in free changes, these types of large scale changes will cost a fee. Reposing MUST be addressed in the sketch WIP, reposing is NOT a possibility in the more advanced stages of work. Please look over the WIPs thoroughly and let me know of all mistakes that need changing. Please avoid coming back a few days later requesting additional changes as it will greatly delay the completion of your commission. Changes that are due to my own mistakes when the commissioner has explicitly given me the correct and exact information will be fixed for free. Please note, that I only keep SAI files for 6 months after the completion date. Changes will not be made after the files have been deleted.
Client’s Right
Clients retain complete ownership of the character(s) in the commission as they originally belonged to them. They have the right to post their commission on to art sites, image boards, and other social media outlets if desired. When doing this, signatures and watermark's are not to be tampered with and you must provide a link to my Furaffinity account as proper credit in the post's description.
Clients will receive a full, high-resolution copy of the original piece if requested, as well as a smaller, optimized file for sharing if applicable. Unwatermarked versions CAN be sent to the commissioner, but they MAY NOT be publicly shared at ANY COST. Any person found publicly sharing a commissioned work without the water marks will be notified, and their opportunities to acquire art from me, free or paid, will be revoked.
Artist Right
I retain the right to post the commission onto art sites, personal website, social media sites and include in an art portfolio if desired, at no additional monetary gain for the exception of examples of commissioned work. If a client wished I not publicly share a commission, it must be acknowledged prior to commissioning, and not in post. Commissions that are requested to not be shared with the public can and may be shared privately with my close companions for art sharing and learning/feedback purposes.
I reserve the ownership of any of my own personal character(s) included in a commission, if included with a client’s character(s), if applicable. I retain the right to ask you to remove all images at any time. I prefer not to do this but in some cases I have found it necessary to do so and will never be prompted to do so unless valid reasoning is given. I reserve the right to refuse any commission for any or no reason at all, and can cancel a commission at any time. Upon cancellation, refunds are given.
I retain the right to watermark all of my works, and said water marks are to not be removed in ANY situation. Unwatermarked versions are to NEVER be shared online/publicly where the work may be taken and used by a third party. Upon the client's request, an additional water mark with the client's own information and online presence can be included on any piece for a small fee, which is suggested as it reduces the risk of character theft, especially on reference sheets.
By contacting me for a commission you agree to these terms of service.