Last Active: 5 days ago
For more examples:
NSFW b/w* sketch.
The price is for both a single figure or a couple, +$5 (+ fee) per extra character after that.
** It's possible to make it a colored sketch, but the price will vary
First Come, First served (be patient)
Will not make any additional changes once the sale is finished (as in don't come back a couple days or weeks asking me to change something, that's rude)
Once I have received payment I will send out a rough sketch of your commission for your approval. After you've reviewed and approved the rough sketch I'll proceed to finish your commission.
It'd normally take me from 3 to 7 days depending of the complexity of the design.
please be descriptive with what you want, and if possible provide me any sort of reference.
Commissions will be sent via email as a 300 dpi png
You're free to distribute and use for personal use, but you can't re-sell it nor claim my art as yours.
May 05 2019
fast turnaround, friendly, good communicator, and most importantly lovely art! 10/10
December 23 2018
Beautiful work, good communication, easy to work with. Went above and beyond for me. An easy recommendation.
December 13 2018
As I did my first comission I did some failures. But the artist was nice and understanding!
August 01 2018
Fantastic when it came to doing the art; colored as well! Would recommend!
The artist will most likely respond to a request within 2.4 days. This commission slot was rated positively by 8 clients thus far.