Last Active: 4 months ago
My commission project!
?Only full body is accepted
?Most of species are accepted! (Except human, robot and vehicle.)
?Every gender is accepted!
No accept
?characters violently torture or kill other character(s).
?Internal organs.
?most of hyper and some body part(s) enlargement theme. (I am okay with some, such as a bit hyper muscular and big penis, please ask me which one I am okay or not)
?Robot and anything that has a lot of geometry and/or straight line and/or perspective, such as vehicle and building
?Most of the art that support political ideology (such as nationalism, racism,war)
For anything I haven’t mention, please ask me if I am okay to draw or not, thank you.
The artist will most likely respond to a request within the same day. This commission slot was rated positively by 0 clients thus far.