I reserve the right to reject any commission.
I reserve the right to use any of my artwork and completed commissions for advertisement purposes. If you do not want your commission used as an example of my work, you may request that it be kept private, and I will honour that.
To avoid any offense, I will not draw any real-world religious persons or themes.
The commissioner must pay the full price agreed upon within 24 hours of accepting a completed commission, unless discussed and agreed upon beforehand.
Finished commissions are for PERSONAL USE ONLY. You can put them on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, as banners, but with the signature.
You may use and display them anywhere and any way you like; HOWEVER, you CANNOT redistribute them, retrace them, (sell them on redbubble or similiar sites) for money or claim the artwork as yours.
Any artist signatures or watermarks included on a final commission MUST NOT BE REMOVED.