Artist Terms
- All rights and ownership of the artwork remain with the artist.
- I reserve the right to feature all commissioned works on my social media accounts and and portolio(s).
- I reserve the right to decline commissions at my discretion.
- I reserve the right to post progress shots to my social media outlets.
- I will send Clients two images: one low-resolution image with watermark to post to the web, and one high resolution image. My default canvas size is 11x17 inches at 300dpi.
- I reserve the right to alter and/or modify the illustration for my own purposes, sell the image in shops or on merchandise, and otherwise use it for professional promotion
Client Terms
- The Client confirms that they are of at least 18 years of age.
- The Client confirms that they have read my Terms of Service in entirety.
- The Client may not remove my signature from any commissioned pieces.
- The Client is welcome to upload the finished watermarked commission to DeviantArt or other galleries of their choosing providing they link back to my personal website ( or tag @Vextera on Twitter or Tumblr.
- The Client is welcome to crop or add text to the image at their discretion for personal use, which can include forum signature banners or avatars.
- The Client may not use the commissioned artwork for commercial purposes, which includes (but is not limited to) selling the art, using the art in or as a logo, and advertising a business, book, or website.
- All prices are non-negotiable, and I will decline commissions from Clients who try to haggle.
- All work completed through Artists n Clients will use its built-in payment rendering system. I will not accept payment on any other platform if the commission was initiated through Artists n Clients.
Commercial Work
I am available for commercial projects! I require contracts for artworks used for commercial purposes. Those seeking to hire me for commercial projects are encouraged to send me a proposal by e-mail.
- Cancellations can be made by the Client at any time, but refunds are only given in certain circumstances.
Timelines, Rush Art, and Communication
- I will give my clients a rough timeline that includes when they can expect updates and when the piece itself will be completed. Smaller pieces generally take 1-2 weeks, while larger pieces and full-scale illustrations can take up to 2 months.
- I will do my best to give you an accurate timeline, and provide updates in the case of unforeseen circumstances such as illness or being called into work at the shop.
Rush Art
If the work you are interested in has a deadline, please let me know in advance. If I need to put a rush on the piece and complete it before a rapidly nearing date, I charge an additional amount depending on how much advance notice I receive.
- Additional 25% for two week's notice.
- Additional 50% for one week's notice.
- Double price for three day's notice.
- I will not accept rush work if I cannot feasibly complete it within the time allotted.
* I do my best to give clients updates once per week or so while actively working on their piece, but occasionally my schedule gets in the way. You are welcome to request updates from me at your discretion!
- I am happy to communicate with clients over A&C, via email or over Discord; my Discord username will be given out privately to each client. Discord is generally the fastest way of reaching me.
Stream Schedule
The majority of the work I do will be streamed on Picarto. Streaming helps keep me focused and allows me to communicate with my clients in real time.
Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday
11:00 AM - 3:00PM CST (US Central)
If you'd like to watch me work, let me know what times during these days you'll be available. I will try to accommodate your request, but make no guarantees that I will be able to rearrange my schedule to suit.
No-Stream Request
My regular streaming hours make up roughly 75% of the total available time I have to work on commissions.
I charge an additional 30% if you specifically do not want me to stream your commission, and an extra two weeks are added to the estimated timeline for completion.