Last Active: 1 year ago
Busts or full Character (20$) pixel art in the style you see here. (no backgrounds)
Here's how it goes:
Tell me what you want, give me a character, and give me references.
I'll update you when the character is halfway done plus any other small updates when you ask for it. I'm willing to make changes along the way but if you require that I start over there will be an additional charge.
By filling out commission slot you agree to:
*Only pay through PayPal
*I won't begin until the first half payment is received
*Commissions are shared via Dropbox (see terms on my page for more detail)
*I have the right to decline your request.
*You may not use my art for anything but personal use
*Thank you!!
The artist will most likely respond to a request within the same day. This commission slot was rated positively by 0 clients thus far.