Last Active: 6 days ago
Prices may vary according to the model complexity (e.g. modelling the actual mechanism of the gun vs exterior only), but the final price will not change and will stay in the same amount we have agreed upon. If the weapon is simple (e.g. pistol, Sten-like) then the price will be lowered.
Be sure to send references in either Google Drive or Google Docs. There is no limit as to how much references you can give, but I do suggest that you send at least 10 references covering how you want the gun to look like, the mechanism, the handguard placement, what kind of charging handle it has, pistol grip shape, trigger guard shape, etc.
There will be several renders of the firearm to cover all perspectives as well as zoomed-in pictures on parts of the firearm.
The artist will most likely respond to a request within the same day. This commission slot was rated positively by 0 clients thus far.