Last Active: 1 year ago
Please choose a style!
Canvas size: 2000x2000px
Please send me images of your character(s) for references.
Please let me know the specifics of the commission. How should I draw the character(s)? Their expressions, poses, what they are holding, the background or objects you want to include.
Thank you~
May 05 2023
Absolutely amazing and wonderful to work with!
May 01 2023
amazing artist, great communication, i would recommend going to them for any work!
April 13 2023
Incredible communication! Super sweet and drew my character perfectly if not BETTER! Thank you again!!!
April 01 2023
An amazing, wonderful and incredibly talented artist who does their work quickly, efficiently and in line with all the requests done by person commissioning. I will be commissioning them again, I am super happy with their work <3 Keep up being awesome, auxliv!
The artist will most likely respond to a request within the same day. This commission slot was rated positively by 4 clients thus far.