Last Active: 1 year ago
32 props can usually be able to make a simple platformer game. For smaller amounts of pixel props, please check my other slot 'Pixel Tileset - 3 props or more'
Tilesets are done in 32x32 px slices.
The example shown is of medium to high difficulty.
Prices depend on complexity and amount of props done.
For variation of color and sprites, it will be considered as additional props.(Unless it is rotating a prop, it'll be $2 for fixing any shadows or details.)
Files will be sent in PNG only.
May 13 2016
Communicating with this artist was a pleasure, and I am so happy with the finished work!
March 17 2016
This artist was really lovely to work with. Her communication is wonderful and she was always happy to make adjustments.
August 13 2015
An absolute star! Not only incredibly talented but also infinitely patient when it came to me changing my mind then changing it back again. Very talented and very friendly. I am so grateful for everything.
The artist will most likely respond to a request within the same day. This commission slot was rated positively by 0 clients thus far.