Last Active: 1 week ago
Anime character Illustration
- Based Price Headshot 20$ | Waist up 35$ | Fullbody 50$ (Price would change depending on the complexity, etc)
- Canvas depends on the range of the drawing but We'll provide you at least 2000px x 2000px 600dpi image
- I'm good at drawing Girls, cute things, and trap/Shota but doing muscular/old characters isn't my Forte
- Open for OC, Fanart, your game Avatar, or even YOU (not accepting NSFW/Full-armor/Full-Mecha/Furry. But Lowkey Anthro like Animal Ears/Tail are still a go)
- File sent as .JPG, .PNG and .PNG transparent
- Please provide the references as clearly as possible (such as pose, character reference, etc)
- Tell me more about your character also would really useful if you need help to determine the concept OvO)b
- No background or solid color
The artist will most likely respond to a request within the same day. This commission slot was rated positively by 0 clients thus far.