Member Since May 2020
0 completed commissions

This is an Artists&Clients: Artist account.

Last Active: 6 months ago


First sorry for my bad english, i dont want use too much a translator but here go.

I'm Brazilian and i have 25 yr'old'. and in some point of my life i give'uped about draw because things like with 16~17 y'old i get a job in paralell to school and this part of my life was a bit harder, for the next's years i internalized a feel like "draws isnt for me bcs i no have talent" and for a loooong time i'm was thinking like this... so in this year i accept my lack of "talent" and even so i want draw i want improve.

In the last month i started draw again and maaan This is so hard when you being more mature because you can judge yourself soo hard, the feeling about you cant put in the paper like are in your head its cruel, i know about my mistakes, proportion, anatomy and i need time for improve, and much repetition and in this quarantine (covid 19) i have some time for me and i want use.

Now (like 1~2 week) I have a tablet (wacon ctl 4XX), and for now i just can make some sketchs, when i draw a lineart i feel like "Maaan this is so wrong", so i need more selfconfidence and a bit more time.

if you want help a "beginner artist" with some anime references, considerer support me, i want "sell" my art like, "You can do you price for my art" this is was i thinking about support me.


  • A beginner sketch
  • "Beginner draw"

This artist is currently working on 0 job.