Member Since June 2017
0 completed commissions

This is an Artists&Clients: Artist account.

Last Active: 1 year ago

United States

Hello! I'm a 28 year old artist who works full time as a manager in a large retail chain. In the past I've mostly enjoyed drawing for my own personal interests and for my very close friends. However, I've recently been diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis.

RA is a disease that is more rheumatism than arthritis. White blood cells destroy a fluid around your cartilage which affects not just joints, but in long term can even affect your heart, lungs, and eyes directly. Somedays are more painful than others as my hands are the worst affected areas. It's important to understand that as to why I ask for longer periods of time to complete your commission than most people.

I'm keeping positive for an eventual path to remission and recovery. In the meantime, I'd love to continue my passion while I still have the opportunity to draw for you all. What money that does not go towards my treatment will probably be spent on friends in worse positions than myself or commissioning other talented artists.

I live in Delaware, USA and draw with a Wacom Intuos tablet. I can work in either Adobe Photoshop CS2 or Adobe Photoshop Elements depending on the need for crisp clean lines and colors.


  • Chibi small creature fullbody: pre-designed
  • Chibi small creature fullbody: designed
  • Full body complex creature
  • Full body humanoid

This artist is currently working on 0 job.