Member Since February 2016
0 completed commissions

This is an Artists&Clients: Artist account.

Last Active: 11 months ago

United States

Hello, hello!

I am Sushi of the Undead! Don't sweat the designation, as I bring not murder, mayhem, and cerebral destruction, but bear wares of art and... murder, mayhem, and... cerebral destruction...

Anyway! I do digital art! I specialize in character design and comic book panels. My style consists of a hybridization between Western comic books and eastern manga/manhwa, per my influences.

If you're here to buy art, I'm here to make it for you!

It will be super awesome, I assure you u.u


  • Line Art Character art
  • Fully rendered and colored piece.
  • Sequential art panels

This artist is currently working on 0 job.