• T1 - This artist has successfully completed over 10 commissions.
  • T2 - This artist has successfully completed over 20 commissions.
  • T3 - This artist has successfully completed over 50 commissions.
  • T4 - This artist has successfully completed over 100 commissions.
  • T5 - This artist has successfully completed over 500 commissions.
Verified Artist
Member Since May 2016
12 completed commissions

This is an Artists&Clients: Artist account.

Last Active: 11 months ago


My name’s TRG and I am, at the time being, just a poor soul who is 23 years old!
I am not so proficient in English, therefore if any of you would like to contact me, please remember it might take a while to answer (i'm sorry)

email: szubabu@gmail.com


  • FullColor character
  • Fullbody character with flat colors

This artist is currently working on 0 job.