• T1 - This artist has successfully completed over 10 commissions.
  • T2 - This artist has successfully completed over 20 commissions.
  • T3 - This artist has successfully completed over 50 commissions.
  • T4 - This artist has successfully completed over 100 commissions.
  • T5 - This artist has successfully completed over 500 commissions.
Verified Artist
Member Since June 2016
38 completed commissions

This is an Artists&Clients: Artist account.

Last Active: 4 months ago


Will/Can draw

Anime , Original Characters,, male, female etc.
, half animals (like neko ears,dog ears, bunny ears etc.)

NSFW (note me so we can talk about it and ill see if i can or cant draw it)

I'l give you updates //first sketch for checking errors or anything you want changed, and you must pay after i send the sketch otherwise you wont get further updates.

i hope you understand. since i've had alot of cancelled commissions due to people not responding after i finish the art and i waited months for them to pay but no response from them so i had to cancel the commission even though i finished the art or sketched them.

I dont charge with edits/changes unless your asking for a new commission/pose.


  • Full body (transparent) SFW
  • Full body (transparent ) nsfw
  • Character Sheet

This artist is currently working on 0 job.